Energy Efficiency


1. BCA’s Green Building Design Guide – Energy Efficiency
2. Energy Efficiency Building Benchmarking Programme

The Energy Efficiency Building Benchmarking Programme, developed by the Energy Sustainability Unit (ESU) of the National University of Singapore (NUS) and the National Environment Agency (NEA) in 2005, aims to promote energy efficiency and conservation in the buildings sector.

Benefits of Programme

Apart from helping to reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions within the buildings sector, energy efficient buildings stand to:

  • Reap energy savings due to active energy management
  • Enjoy higher satisfaction levels by occupants
  • Enhance the company’s corporate image

Benchmarking in Energy Efficiency

The Energy Smart Tool is an online benchmarking system that can be used to evaluate the energy performances of office and hotel buildings. It enables building owners to review the energy consumption patterns within their buildings and compare them against the industry norms. The benchmarking system was developed based on a rigorous study and analysis of two representative databases on office and hotel buildings in Singapore.

Technical Guides

Technical Guide towards Energy Smart Office
Technical Guide towards Energy Smart Hotel
Technical Guide towards Energy Smart Retail Mall


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